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Help with very simple quest


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I was wondering if someone could help me with a very simple quest I wish to implement with my abode mod. I'm not very great at scripting and this is the last thing I need to do before I consider it ready to release. Here's what I want to do basicly:



Stage 0: Prestage.

Player enters cell and trips an area trigger advancing from stage 0 --> 10


Stage 10: Player needs to read a journal


Stage 20: Upon reading the journal, the player needs to find 9 missing pages (and here I would assume a global counter would go in desc.) I also do not want quest markers for this one, it's kinda a treasure hunt that should be similar to the infamous crimson nirnroot quest. Markers for the other stages though would be nice


Stage 30: Player found all the pages and now needs to find the treasure chest


Stage 40: Player opened the chest and the quest is finished




It would be amazing if anyone could provide the scripts I need to put this into motion. I'm just not sure where to start.

Thanks in advance!

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CK wiki is a good starting point


Also there are Default Scripts that you can fill the properties in, such as OnReadSetQuestStage.



Also this video and other made by the same guy may be helpful


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Thanks edhelsereg!


I've already checked out Bethsoft's tutorials a bit and they do help, but don't exactly address my specific needs.

What really helped though is the fact that there are a few default book/inventory scripts in there. I never noticed them before when I did a quick scan last time and that'll make this a whole lot easier.


I think I even found one for the trigger here: http://www.creationkit.com/Complete_Example_Scripts


Now I just need to figure out the pages, really.

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