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For what it's worth.........


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Been having a delightful time trying to start a game of Skyrim. All mods inactive, bring them online one by one, yada yada yada. Nightmare, CTDs trying to get near whiterun, just won't work, start again , similar fate. Cant get near theBleakfalls Barrow, CTD, can't loot, CTD, can't talk to Delphine, CTD. And then I notice that NMM is not deactivating everything. It left the esp's of Sounds of Skyrim active in the load order and even viewed two of them as esm's! Also the esp of Realistic Ragdolls was left active and in place. All through the saves I was making. Perhaps that was the root of my problem. I've just got a game going and don't know if my problems are over yet.


So the TL:DR........................ don't trust NMM to deactivate all things, check your files and plugin lists and save yourself some grief perhaps..

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