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Will pay to get BBP set up for Ashen character.


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Hey all,


Long story short, I have my character the way I want, but for the life of me, I can't get CHSBHC to work with CBBE. I've read other posts and tried to figure it out, but I can't get it to work for my custom (Ashen Race) character.


I have one character, I use bodyslide++ and remodeled armors by ChronoTrigger. I'd like to have BBP working. I was able to get it working for the regular races (with invisible hips, however), but I couldn't get BBP working for my custom (Ashen) character by dragging over the meshes and textures, although my custom race does get the invisible hips problem too, just no animation.


I keep backing up my files and trying different things, and then starting over. Right now everything is how I want, but no BBP. I'll paypal $50 for an hour of someone's time to get BBP working. 50 for an hour isn't too bad, is it? Or maybe it may take you 10-15 minutes. I'm a beginner at this stuff so I'd appreciate the assistance!



Edited by jakeharris74
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You basically need to replace the files that came with your custom race by the files that are already on your system...


Textures, Meshes, Skeletons... you can find the custom ones in data\textures\actors\<your race> & data\meshes\actors\<your race> ... inside those folders (actors) you'll also find the default female ones. You need to replace the similar named ones from your custom race folders by the ones from your default folders.


Not sure if there's more files related to this CHSBHC stuff, as I don't use such things. But I do know that if you want a custom race with it's own folders to use your setup files, you need to replace it files by your own, manually.


Make backup before you do any overwriting!!!!!! and no need $$, isn't allowed.

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That's unfortunate that we can't compensate for help. I don't want to be a bother, but just wanted to try to get this thing working.

I opened CHSBHC and moved the files that would go in Data\textures\actors\character\female to the following folder for the Ashen Race:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\Oriental

Then, moved the meshes from CHSBHC which would originally go into:

Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female
Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\Oriental\

I set to replace all for both.

I start the game, and there is no animation, but there are slices of texture missing in the hips. If I do the same for the main races in the default locations, I can get it to work, with the slices of texture missing in the hips, though.

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Edited by jakeharris74
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