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Horse Riding Animation and Crossbow Animation Issues ... Any Help Appr


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Hi people this is the first time I've ever posted anything on the Nexus Forums, but I was hoping someone might be able to help me, I'm currently playing a relatively heavily modded game (currently running 139 mods) is that still the max number of mods you can run?




Issue 1: I've been having some trouble when I go to mount my horse to ride around, when I get on the camera view only shows 1st Person and I can't scroll out to 3rd Person, and on top of that the camera sits under the horses legs even though when I toggle TFC mode my character is sitting correctly on the horse, I have also noticed that dismounting in TFC mode that my character occasionally sits mid air before properly dismounting. I've read about the latter issue but found no solution. I've tried disabling certain mods (ie Convenient Horses, UFO, 360 Walk and Run) nothing has helped so far, I've run TES5Edit for conflicts but I'm only new to using this tool and might not be looking in the right places.


Here's an image of what I been finding happens when I get on the horse:



Issue 2: The other issue I've been having is when I go to aim in first person with the crossbow it doesn't line up correctly with the camera and the crossbow isn't in the characters hands. I've tried fixing it with the suggestions that the guy who created FNIS recommended, but couldn't get any resolution on that either, also tried installing FNIS to see if that would fix the crossbow animation, once again I tried disabling the animation editing mods, and I have all the unofficial patches installed in hopes that would remedy the issue. The other thing I noticed is that after using the crossbow my sound keeps cutting in and out and the only way to fix that is unequip the crossbow and save and reload, any ideas as to why this is happening?


Here's what it looks like:



I'm going to try load my game with no mods installed and see if it has any effects on these animation issues will let people know if that helps.


In the meantime, any help would be appreciated especially with the horse thing that's really bugging me, I can deal with just not using the crossbow if there's no fix for that.


Finally is anyone else having these problems or am I the only special person out there who's done something to break my game??

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  • 2 weeks later...

This camera bug primarily has to do with "The Joy of Perspective" mod. No matter what other horse mods you have, it will not fix this camera issue. I do not have any of the DLCs so I am not exactly sure what the crossbow issue is--but again, since you are in first-person, I would assume it's an issue with "The Joy of Perspective" mode (some items, like armor, weapons, misc, etc., are invisible in first-person because the mod did not toggle that item to appear in 1st-person.) I think FNIS will only adjust the crossbow in your third-person animation--TJoP has it's own set of animations it uses for first-person, so that might be the culprit.


I've tried many ways to get around this problem, but so far it's to either have TJoP on and enjoy some 1st-person immersion, or to have TJoP off and enjoy horse riding and less camera issues. I have found a temporary solution for horses though, but it breaks immersion and is horrid from a gameplay standpoint.


If you want to view your horse properly (like the vanilla 3rd-person that is), you will have to turn off TJoP in your mod list (you can uninstall it too, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference--less steps this way). Then you navigate to your "Data/meshes/actors/character/_1stperson" folder and move or rename the "skeleton.nif" (I would just rename it to "_skeleton.nif"). Then load your Skyrim and get on your horse (you may have to enter a cell/room/city wall and return to refresh the camera settings if it doesn't work right away). While on your horse, make a save file and exit back to desktop. Then, re-enable/reinstall TJoP and make sure that the previous "skeleton.nif" is in the proper folder and correctly named. Now relaunch Skyrim and load your save file. You can now dismount and remount your horse without any camera glitching.


However, the bad news... this fix is only temporary. While you get to ride your horse glitch-free, the glitch may and will return at some point. I discovered when you exit a cell and re-enter, the camera more often than not will glitch back when you remount the horse. Another common glitch is that even though you fixed it for one mount/horse, the process has to be done again to fix another mount/horse--so if you own multiple mounts, you'll need to go through the process again, and again. But even that is not guaranteed to fix your mount camera as every time you reload your save with TJoP re-enabled and exit a cell, it'll reset the camera--so in effect, if you fix the camera for one mount, the other mount could have it's camera reset due to exiting the cell to fix the current mount's camera... and you know you can't be on multiple mounts at once--not even the Dovahkiin is that talented!


So if you don't want to go through all of that mess, you can either settle with a broken first-person and horse-riding, or preserve the vanilla horse-riding and first person. I settled with the broken method as I understand TJoP mod is still in beta phase and hopefully it'll get better, and hopefully the devs of the mod will find a better solution to the horse camera than the not-100%-guaranteed fix. I usually transition between first and third person often and avoid any mount riding until that camera issue is fixed.


Hope this helps!




Also to note, a little history:

The horses in Skyrim did not have mounted combat initially in the early release of the game. Somewhere in the development of Skyrim, after the initial release, Bethesda started patching their game and eventually added mounted combat. Once they did, I assume they had to alter the camera in such a way to make that possible. So for the modders who made custom camera mods for horses, their mods suddenly became incompatible (and I think TJoP mod was one of those mods).


There were values you could tweak in the "Skyrim.ini" file that would alter the position and rotation of the horse camera, but those values are now defunct because of the later patches of Skyrim. So if different values control the camera while on horseback, modders will need to figure out what those values are. Else, if the mounted camera is the character camera, then altering it would be an issue as it will also alter the character's camera as well... I'm not exactly sure which is the issue, but I am optimistic that there will be a fix for it later down the line.

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Thanks for your advice jacques00art I have decided to remove the mod, I will however give it a try later, but if its only a temporary fix I might just do without the mod for now. I also had issues on starting a new game with TJOP where my character would get thrown from the cart and bug the stuffing out of the start scene so that I would have to quit and start again. At least I think it was related to TJOP. I figured out the bug with the crossbow it has to do with the horse mounted combat animations mod, they have a crossbow fix on there mod page for that and that seemed to resolve that issue (found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24286/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D24286&pUp=1)

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Thanks for your advice jacques00art I have decided to remove the mod, I will however give it a try later, but if its only a temporary fix I might just do without the mod for now. I also had issues on starting a new game with TJOP where my character would get thrown from the cart and bug the stuffing out of the start scene so that I would have to quit and start again. At least I think it was related to TJOP. I figured out the bug with the crossbow it has to do with the horse mounted combat animations mod, they have a crossbow fix on there mod page for that and that seemed to resolve that issue (found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24286/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D24286&pUp=1)

Nice--good to know for anyone having that issue.


I noticed some combat-related issues when installing that Horsemen (Enhancement) mod. If you have Ultimate Follower Overhaul, it'll conflict with your follower's AI. Since the followers will run into combat using their own AI using UFO, the Horsemen mod will revert their combat AI back to vanilla. For instance, when you sheath and holster your weapon, your followers will do the same in vanilla. But with UFO, they will sheath and holster depending on their own combat awareness. So just a heads up for if you are using that mod as well.

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