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Muffle Spell Audio 'Easter Egg'


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I've just gotten into Skyrim, and am loving the options available to make the game tailored to personal needs for more fun and immersion. I have installed many mods to this end, but have come up against something that is a little immersion breaking.


When equipping the spell 'Muffle', there has been a tweak to its audio, where a person is saying what sounds like "Xbox is for *** ***". The dialogue is quiet, but now I know it's there I'd like to be able to identify which mod placed it, and a way to change it back to the original without taking out the whole mod.


Any help with this is appreciated.



The mods I am using:


Immersive Armors v6 (with UNP support)

Cloaks of Skyrim

Winter is Coming

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Lush Trees and Grass



Skyrim HD - 2K

Dimonized UNP


Inconsequential NPCs

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Unofficial Patches (All)

Immersive HUD


Immersive Weapons

Craftable Silver Weapons

Crossbows Basic Collection




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