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Something I've not seen yet, on this forum, is a thread for refining either mod ideas or requests. Two heads are better than one, as they say, so why don't we put these noggins together? It's great when people offer constructive criticism after a mod is released, but it's a whole lot less work when that information is available prior to release. Mod requests don't get taken if they're not fleshed out.


This thread, if it takes off, will be a place to sand off the rough edges. If an idea shows promise, but isn't ready for production, post it here! I, and hopefully others, will reply with my appraisal of the idea and how it could be improved. If you've got an armor or weapon mod, post images! Imagery is my specialty, as far as critiques.


Furthermore, if you have multiple options in how to proceed, get a second opinion here. We can help make a list of pros and cons to each possible approach, hopefully simplifying the decision.


Finally, if you're having writers block, perhaps one of us forum lurkers can outline a new approach.


What this thread is for:

  • Improving unfinished mod concepts
  • Adding detail to mod requests
  • Critiquing mods before they're released
  • Working on the details of partially complete mods
  • Constructive criticism. Emphasis on constructive.

What this thread is not for:

  • Directions: there are other threads, and sites, for those. If you know what you want to do, but not how to do it, this isn't the thread you're looking for!
  • Flaming. If you don't like an idea, don't post about it. This is nexus rules, and mine. Find another forum to troll.
  • Finding your missing socks. I've hidden them all across tamriel, and I'm not telling you where, so don't ask.
  • Advertising. If you're just coming here to generate excitement about your upcoming mod, go away. *hisses*
  • Getting unconditional approval. While the emphasis is on constructive, you're still here for criticism.


So, shall we begin?

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