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Simple Borderless Windows. Windowed mode question / res


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I'm trying to run skyrim in windowed mode, so that I can use Simple Borderless Windows to help my FPS out a little bit.


The problem is, i'm on a 2560x1440, and when I pick windowed mode, the highest resolution it lets me chose from is the 1980 one.


I've done some reading online, and a lot of people say to go to your skyrimpref.ini and edit the isize w and isize h to force it to apply the resolution you desire.


However, once I save, and boot the game up using skse launcher, it is in windowed mode, but theres about 4 inches width and 2 inches or so high that it does not cover on my monitor.


I've also messed around with the fullscreen=1 or fullscreen=0. Neither fix my problem


Any suggestions on how to have skyrim run in windowed mode, FULL size of my 2560x1440 monitor? 27'

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