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Animation in Maya (then exporting to Max)


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I have been searching nexus and youtube about ways to be able to make my own animations, specifically in maya. I know that maya doesn't support animation from NIF files, but what I was trying to accomplish was this:


1. Export a xp32 skeleton/mesh with an animation from 3DS Max using .fbx

2. Import .fbx into maya, then tweak the animation.

3. Export a .fbx from maya, and reimport into max.

4. Use HCT to export the final animation files to use in game.


So far, I have been able to get the skeleton alone in maya without too much issue. I tried to get the skeleton/mesh, but when the file was imported to maya, it had errors/warnings about bind pose, and the body mesh wasnt linked to the skeleton properly.


I then tried to just export the skeleton with animation from max to maya, which worked fine, I then saved an .mb file, then re-exported a .fbx, but I got this error: "Warning Animation Curve Tangent Type", and when I imported the .fbx into max, the file has only 1 frame, and no animation keys exist.


Has anyone tried and succeeded to accomplish this? You may ask why I want to do this, well I have used Maya on and off for over 10 years now, and I don't really want to have to learn the ins and outs of max in order to make an animation rig and learn to animate in another program.





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