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Saved ESP's not visible in Data folder, but can be loaded in the G


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I restarting a mod of mine and I am able to save and load the esp file fine. However when I go to its directory, it doesn't exist yet I am able to start the geck and load the file perfectly fine. I attempted to start another just so I could view the save as part and the ESP is there! Yet it isn't there when I hunt for it. When I attempt to move it from this save as menu to the desktop it says that it no longer exists. This is incredibly frustrating. Im able to do everything the GECK allows and save all my work for future use, yet the file doesn't exist and therefore its impossible to back it up. Does anybody have a solution for this at all?


Also, I turned on 'show hidden files' in the control panel but this doesn't help in the slightest.

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