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In depth crippling system


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Here is an idea for a better way the game could deal with crippling rather than just stimpacks or just being instantly healed by a doctor, I don't know if all of it is exactly possible, some of it is probably not simple but here it is:



First of all when you get crippled stimpacks of course don't fix the limb/head/torso & you have to see a doctor(mod already exists I know)...


But the doctor doesn't just heal you:


-Cripple your arm & you have to wear a sling for a day to heal, you can only use 1 handed weapons while your arm is in a sling.


-Cripple your leg & you have to wear a leg brace for a day, wearing a leg brace will slow you down quite a bit.


-Cripple your head and you have to wear head bandages for a day, you can't wear any helmets or headgear when wearing head bandages, & head shots/hits hurt you more.


-Crippled torso and you have to wear a bandage wrap for a day, you lose 15% damage resistance while wearing the wrap.


These could only be put on by doctors for a fee, and after a day you have to go back to the same doctor to have them removed, you can go to another doctor but you will be charged another fee. If your medicine skill is 75 or higher you can remove it yourself after a day.

If your medicine skill is lower and you remove it, or if you have 75 or higher medicine and remove it too soon you re-cripple the body part.


If you have both arms or both legs crippled then you have to pay for a costly 24 hour stay at a clinic.



Advanced modding/problem areas of idea:

-sling & bandages would have to be modeled(leg brace already exists)

-sling & leg brace would probably need animating

-sling & leg brace would have to work overtop of existing outfit(torso bandages makes sense to be worn under clothes)

-right arm crippled means 1 handed weapons would have to be moved to the left hand




This is just one idea in my head of the hundreds of ways the game could be improved upon.

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I actually like the sound of this, it would certainly add some depth to the crippling/injury system. I personally would like to see a more complex dismemberment system, such as being able to remove limbs before death. I've mentioned it a couple of times already, but either no one is interested or it's just too much work. Hope someone picks up your idea though, would love add this to my list.
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this may sound stupid, but i've always wanted a game where after extensive damage has been incurred to a limb, it must be removed. at this point, the player would have a variety of prosthetics to choose from, ranging from sticks to robotic appendages. for the head you could lose an eye etc., and get a wooden eye or a laser shooting eye depending on the cash you have laying around.
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