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Food Stamps defuned by Congress


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It appears to me that actually SOLVING problems is beyond the governments purview. It isn't in their best interests to actually fix something..... they get more political capital from dancing around the subject, treating some of the symptoms, and giving the appearance of "doing something", in the full knowledge that whay they are doing won't make the slightest difference. Obamacare leaps immediately to mind.... and is exactly what I expect from our government. Stupidity piled on top of irresponsibility.

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I agree. You look at comprehensive immigration reform to the sequester cuts and all you see is how much the people in congress really care about the people of the nation which is basically nothing. As much as a majority of congress is Republican They seem to not even care about trying to help fund their own states they fully control. Rick Scott governor of Florida and other heavily Republican controlled southern state governors try to put blame on Obama for the lack of the National guard present in their states this summer to prepare for hurricane season when the blame should be put on congress because of sequester cuts. Any bipartisan effort passed through the senate basically gets killed in the house of representatives like immigration reform.


With current record of bills passed in congress it is very doubtful the Republicans in congress will pass a bill that does address funding for the food stamps program.

Edited by colourwheel
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It appears to me that actually SOLVING problems is beyond the governments purview. It isn't in their best interests to actually fix something..... they get more political capital from dancing around the subject, treating some of the symptoms, and giving the appearance of "doing something", in the full knowledge that whay they are doing won't make the slightest difference. Obamacare leaps immediately to mind.... and is exactly what I expect from our government. Stupidity piled on top of irresponsibility.


It's in their interests to make people reliant on them, the trick the left used here was to trap people in welfare dependency and then tell them they'd better vote the right way or those welfare payments might stop if the opposition win.

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[offtopic] I don't want congress to pass immigration reform that basically equates to amnesty. [/offtopic]


I don't think that is exactly what our government had in mind in the beginning, but, it is certainly the way it worked out..... We are beholden to "Government by the Corporations, for the Corporations, of the Corporations"..... The lobbyists control Washington, and the politicians are merely puppets on strings. I don't think I have seen an original thought come out of DC in decades.

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The lobbyists control Washington, and the politicians are merely puppets on strings.

And i thought after 100 years of socialist revolutions this would get boring.


Who are the biggest lobbiest groups? Not corporations, but citizen lobbiest groups as unions and all those "we need federal money for our community project" freeloaders. And they can give the politicians what they are realy up to, votes. The vote is the most pervert thing in the whole democratic system. Productive and educated people ain't worth more than the dumb and lazy who wait for free handouts.


Look at that, they feed 47% like some kind of vote-plantage slaves and keep them dependent. And if people wanna end this discusting systems, the whimpy social democrates cry a river about people wouldn't care.

Yeah i can imagine how many of these 47% poor americans trade their free foodstamps for beer and cigarets. Amd this nation is still the mightiest on the planet?

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Look at that, they feed 47% like some kind of vote-plantage slaves and keep them dependent. And if people wanna end this discusting systems, the whimpy social democrates cry a river about people wouldn't care.

Yeah i can imagine how many of these 47% poor americans trade their free foodstamps for beer and cigarets. Amd this nation is still the mightiest on the planet?




I have to disagree here....


Freeloaders? really now you think people who have spent time in the U.S. military who have come back wounded as free loaders? How about the elder, you think we should just let our elders die from starvation? How about people who have children who are working hard but still can't handle to make enough to support their children, you think our government should just let our children starve too? a majority of people who depend on food stamps are actually people who are not free loaders, they are American tax payers who have contribute to society just as much as people who do not need to depend on food stamps. People who are put on food stamps for the most part have good reason to be. Not just because they are lazy and choose not to work.


47% of the nation isn't just free loaders. Granted in any nation there will always be free loaders but it hardly equates to even a fraction of your perception of the entire U.S.A. who depend on government assistance.


You have to ask yourself this... If you have family that is trying to make ends meet who currently depend on food stamps, would you consider them free loaders? What about people you know or friends would they be free loaders too if they needed food stamps too? food stamp program isn't a permanent thing for families and was never ment to be but by defunding these resources for families in need of them only undermines our society.

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Oh what a bleeding heart liberal we have over here... i have to drop some tears right now. Buhu.


47% of the Americans ain't wounded veterans. And why should i feed someone who volunteers for the army and get whats was coming to him in the first place? Those who wanna help these poor fools who lost legs for totaly nothing donate money to organisations like wounded warriors and so. Wounded veterans are a thiny percent of the recipients.

And it isn't my task to feed some elders, someone else parents. And if they didn't make any children to look for them thats their problem. But again, voluntary charity does way more effectiv things here such as the churches.

And who makes children they can't afford? No, i don't give wellfare moms a free ride.



Just to get some of the terms clear: I don't let anyone starve. You don't let someone starve by just let him be and don't care about him in a free enviorment. The rabbit don't let the fox starve. But when i look someone up, take his basic right of freedom away from him and don't give him something to eat because i locked him up in an enviorment where he can't get any, then i let him starve. You don't let someone starve by refuseing help. Thats how far this wimpy leftwing culture, where weak and irresponsible people have the same voting right about the distribution of looted money as those who are productive and earned it, brought us. This:::



a majority of people who depend on food stamps are actually people who are not free loaders, they are tax American tax payers who have contribute to society just as much as people who do not need to depend on food stamps.


Its a paradox statement that someone who is dependet on the society would contribute as much as those who are not, and are burdend by their demands.


This isn't a nation anymore, this is a crate full of deadbeats drawn by a few remaining working horses while a bleeding heart leftwing beats them with a horse whip demanding to more.

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Stop the name calling. If you can't make a post that is civil and doesn't bash every type of people of which you can think then move on. This topic is quickly going down the toilet and I will have no issue closing it should it continue. I have no issue with people having different views, I do have issue when people can't present their views in a civil manner.~Lisnpuppy

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Thanks for improving the very point i was making. Someone that calls himself goddess reminds the naughty mortals to play nice with each other and don't dare to speak their mind, not even it hits the mark. This reflected exactly what i meant, thanks for doing that.

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majority of people who depend on food stamps are actually people who are not free loaders, they are American tax payers who have contribute to society just as much as people who do not need to depend on food stamps.



Why are they paying tax? surely the answer isn't handouts but not taking money from them in the first place? Taking money from a worker, leaving him/her without enough to feed their family and then making that worker go cap in hand to the state to get some of it back cannot be right. Rather than worrying about what handouts people get they should address the reasons why people need handouts in the first place.

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