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so i just played a lot of skyrim recently. I had a lot of fun than i got a lot of mods and had even more fun than i got all 3 addons, than i got a lot of crashes and today a uninstalled my skyrim completly.


Fist of all i know and understand a bit how this works with the mods and the load order but of course there is a lot I don't now.

I read the descriptions in Files and alway try to install a mod properly.

My Goal now is to have a really stable Skyrim.


Please correct me if there is something wrong in my procedure.

Install Skyrim + Addons

Install Official HR Textures

Install Unofficial Patches (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn + HR )

All this on Top of the Load Order


Now I have Full Vanilla right ?


I love playing with MODS therefore I have Questions ^^


1. Can I start playing using the script extender and SKY UI without getting a unstable Game ?


For Character Creation I would like to use:

Race Menu

Apachii Hair

superior lore Friendly Hair

Eyes of Beauty


2. I guess i first make just a charakter and than add the mods later. I can generate the character of my desire later with /showracemenu. Or doesn't it matter at all ?


3. I read the more often i change or (de)activate a mod the more unstable get skyrim, is that right ?


4. I would just activate 1 MOD (make a clean safe before) and Play for a hours and see if there are any crashes or is there a better method ?


5. If I use the Mods for the char creation, how can i know that not exactly these mods maybe combined with some new mod i just installed is the reason for the crash ?


6. Any other advise you can give me on my way ?


MY System:

Intel Core i7 2600K 4x 3.4GHz So. 1155 BOX

8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1600 DIMM CL9 DUal KIT

1536MB Sparkle GeForce GTX 580 Calibre Aktiv PCIe 2.0 x16 (Retail)

650W Corsair TX650 V2 80+ Bronze



Thanks for your knowledge




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so i just played a lot of skyrim recently. I had a lot of fun than i got a lot of mods and had even more fun than i got all 3 addons, than i got a lot of crashes and today a uninstalled my skyrim completly.


Fist of all i know and understand a bit how this works with the mods and the load order but of course there is a lot I don't now.

I read the descriptions in Files and alway try to install a mod properly.

My Goal now is to have a really stable Skyrim.


Please correct me if there is something wrong in my procedure.

Install Skyrim + Addons

Install Official HR Textures

Install Unofficial Patches (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn + HR )

All this on Top of the Load Order


Now I have Full Vanilla right ?


I love playing with MODS therefore I have Questions ^^


1. Can I start playing using the script extender and SKY UI without getting a unstable Game ?


For Character Creation I would like to use:

Race Menu

Apachii Hair

superior lore Friendly Hair

Eyes of Beauty


2. I guess i first make just a charakter and than add the mods later. I can generate the character of my desire later with /showracemenu. Or doesn't it matter at all ?


3. I read the more often i change or (de)activate a mod the more unstable get skyrim, is that right ?


4. I would just activate 1 MOD (make a clean safe before) and Play for a hours and see if there are any crashes or is there a better method ?


5. If I use the Mods for the char creation, how can i know that not exactly these mods maybe combined with some new mod i just installed is the reason for the crash ?


6. Any other advise you can give me on my way ?


MY System:

Intel Core i7 2600K 4x 3.4GHz So. 1155 BOX

8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1600 DIMM CL9 DUal KIT

1536MB Sparkle GeForce GTX 580 Calibre Aktiv PCIe 2.0 x16 (Retail)

650W Corsair TX650 V2 80+ Bronze



Thanks for your knowledge






1. Yup, many mods will need both SkyUI and SKSE, they are perfectly fine to use

2. First add mods, then make char is the best to do ( with character mods ) since those plugins will install morph files and other stuff to enhance the character creation. Since you will use ApachiiHair you will also need this or you may crash opening the showracemenu: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526/

3. Yes, save games remember everything, so when you remove a mod on an active save game, your game will look for something it cannot find anymore and this may in some cases cause your save game to become corrupted. Perhaps not immediately, but over time it may. It's generally not advised to remove mods after starting your game, unless you are willing to start over when it all goes to hell. The only "save" way to do it, is after removing a mod to return to a save game prior to installing the uninstalled mod so there are no invalid references inside that save.

4. Best way to do is read the mod page & especially the Posts the people made under that page to scan for potential problems. Nothing better than user feedback of people that actually used it. To say how mod XYZ will behave in anyone's game is very hard, if not impossible to say. When you are going to install mods, do not install a lot at once... install 1 (if large overhaul) or a few and make sure you have a save game before adding the mods (so dont overwrite your save!) ... then test for stability to explorer the things the mod does. Note that some mods will only function properly when they are active from game start and shouldnt be added to an ongoing game. This should also be written on the mod page.

5. Dont understand exactly what you mean... When you crash when you open character creation it's most likely due to your hair mods... see the mod I linked above at point 2.

6. Yup... read this from post 4: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1028545-help-required-assistance-appreciated/ And a bit more here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1029363-infinite-load-screen/ regarding high res/HD texture replacers and the limitations of the game. As well as Gopher's video on the main Skyrim.Nexus page

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Hey thanks,

i reinstalled my skyrim and just have a few mods and iam level 11. But now i have no questmarker -.- seriously i running out of patient. I checked google they say i shall remove map.swf in data/interace but there is no such file. I installed a colored map marker mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26556/?) but just nothing changes no markers in game, i might just start playing minesweeper...


EDIT: hmm.. somehow its working again :O

Edited by Slaveeater
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