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Opethfeldt6 ENB


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I made a post at the appropriate forum section where the Opethfeldt ENB was posted, though no reply so I give it another shot here (in case anyone have tried this mod).

Im having problems installing this, a friend tried to help but he faced the same issues.

Question 1: It feels like section 1 and 2 is basically the same? What's the difference. In section 2 it says "my files", does that mean the same files I just downloaded and extracted to my game directory in section 1?

Question 2: In section 3 it says that I must select the 5 files in appropriate order in DATA FILES (se below). However, these files doesnt appear, nor can I find them in the download (download link http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0117.htm) Is there something else I must download?

- Realistic Lighting.esp (old vanilla version slightly modified)

- Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp

- RevampedExteriorFog.esp

- Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp

- Rain_storm_fog_fix.esp

Question 3: In section 3 (se below) the line wont show up in skyrimprefs, is this something I must add myself? Or maybe it is there once those 5 files appear (above).



Thanks for any help or clarification on this matter. I really hope I get this working (or some similiar mod) as it enhances gameplay experience by a lot.

Edited by ayronamic
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