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Multiple options for vampire eyes?


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Hey. I've seen this issue brought up a few times but the solutions either do not seem to work or there weren't solutions listed in the topics.


I am trying to get custom eyes on my vampire character without removing her out of the vampire race. I realize I could just replace the eye file to a mesh with a different .dds, but the thing is, I have multiple characters who are vampires and I want them to have different colored eyes (from each other) without swapping mods every time. It should be a pretty simple process, but I can't figure it out.


I have tried going in game, setting my race to the original race (Nord), changing the eyes and setting her back to Nord-vampire, but it returns the glowing dawnguard eyes, which (while awesome) are not how I intend for my character to look.


Ideas on how I can go about this? It should be easy but none of the mods seem to add options for vampire eyes that can be changed in showracemenu. I'm willing to make this myself, but if it's already out there, could someone kindly point me in the right direction? =)



On a side note, I think it would be really cool if a script activated an alternative mesh when certain spells were being cast (like nightvision) to cause the character's eyes to glow, rather than to have them glowing all of the time. But that's probably fodder for the mod request forum. :)

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