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Can't solve "Project Nevada could not detect NVSE which is req


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You've necro'ed a three year old thread. Besides the fact you are not one of the original participants, we have no idea how much of any of the OP's situation applies to you. Which is why the forum doesn't want you to necro threads more than a month old.


Aside from the fact that "Project Nevada" works fine with NVSE, such problems are due to faulty installation. So we have to start over from the basics anyway.


How did you install NVSE: manually or with a "mod manager", and where to (what path)?


Read the "Checklist" item #4 in the wiki article "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide and enable logging. NVSE is "passive", in that it only responds to mods call to it's functions. The log will report any problems it has initializing.


Do you have the game installed to the Steam default location of "C:\Program Files" folder tree? If so, please read the article "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" in my signature, and move it.



Edited by dubiousintent
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  • 11 months later...

im using win 10 and when i type getnvseversion it says the command is non existant can someone help? i installed the latest version did everything i could still nothing ;/

Then you didn't install it correctly. Do so manually; not through a mod manager. Please see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. (Make sure you do not have Steam installed to the default "C:\Program Files" folder tree. If you did, see "Checklist Item #00" as well.)



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