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3ds convert to poly but keep Dismember & Skin..?


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Right so, I'm trying to figure out how I can convert to editable poly so I can use something like shift+page up so I can grow my selection so I can select all the connected faces but not lose the BSDismemberSkinInstance and Skin because if I convert to editable poly then export I don't have either of those things and it doesn't work in-game.


I took the cloak thing from the Yarl's clothes and put it on the Barkeeper outfit and retextured it. If you want a peak at what I did so far, here check it out:




It was actually meant to be on the CBBE version from Caliente's Vanilla Clothing pack thing but I get a CTD if I even try to replace the yarlclothes with the barkeeper mesh from that, which is pretty weird.


So yeah, how do I do that? I'm using 3ds Max 2012.

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