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"Word gets around..."


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For those who like the Stormcloaks, I would like to make a mod request that would help with a bit of immersion. As it is now, you can free random encounter prisoners from Imperials and Thalmor all day long and nobody mentions it. You can become a member of the Dark Brotherhood and kill both the decoy AND the real Emperor and what sort of recognition do you get from Ulfric and company about it afterward? Nothing.


In order to 'prove your worth', you have to do something TOTALLY non-civil war related - killing an ice wraith. This would be like someone applying for a job as a chef and the interviewer saying "In order to see what kind of chef you will be, go change the oil in somebody's car."


This mod is all theory, but I have a feeling that there is at least one mod author out there who would enjoy the challenge...


What it would do is:


- Keep a secret tally of the number of times you click 'free prisoner" and, after like five, would skip the ice wraith quest, having Ulfric or his right hand man (via edited text and spliced together audio from other dialogue saying that the men (freed prisoners) have vouched for you as a friend to the Stormcloaks.


- Along the same lines as above, if you haven't freed any prisoners, they would send you on a mission to free five of them (without markers, of course, due to them being random encounters) or maybe have you get <random special item> from <random imperial encampment> as an actual test of your ability and loyalty as a soldier by...oh I dunno...doing actual solider-type stuff..


- It would check to see if you have killed the emperor as well, having Ulfric (using edited text and spliced together audio from other dialogue) at least acknowledge the great deed during private conversation (the speech would be too difficult and public), giving the roleplayer a nice, fuzzy feeling as the rest of the 'you are just a nicknamed footsoldier' quest-line progresses naturally.


Now, I did mention the spliced together audio - I'm not that advanced with CK, but I have seen how people record voices for voiced NPCs and think that the spliced conversation could be recorded as an mp3, then either played into a mic or line-in device when CK would normally be expecting the live person to be voicing some dialogue. This would bypass "silent movie syndrome" as well as keep the vocals in his voice, as opposed to adding some from someone doing their best Ulfric impersonation.

Edited by chaophim
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Wow, this mod would be awesome. I'd support this as ive had thoughts where hey why is it that im the f*#@in dragonborn helped out this faction so much yet i dont get even a bit of recognition unless i do their questline.

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