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New magic visual effects


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I have an idea for a new spell in which the player throws a projectile summoned from another dimension. I know it sounds a bit crazy but bear with me. I have made the projectiles and magic effects and spells and put it all together, but it's missing that unique visual effect I want it to have.


I want the player to have a rune circle effect around his/her hand when casting the spell. So basically I want the rune effect (which I can customize already) to play in mid air in front of the player's hand when casting a spell that fires a projectile.


I've tried modifying the rune .nif to play as an art object but the animation sequences don't line up with what I want. I've already made the necessary dds for the effect I want and even the .nif file based off the existing frenzy rune projectile. If you are up for the challenge (or know a way to get the existing stuff to do what I want) feel free to post your ideas here!

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