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Seperate dual weild/one handed equip/unequip animations


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Basically, I'm stuck where I can have a set of animations that makes it look plausible when I draw two weapons; or one-- but not both in one.

When I draw one weapon with the dual-wield friendly animations, I reach for two weapons, and am apparently unsheathing my magic from my back as well.

When I draw two weapons with the one-hand friendly animations, my second sword just apparates itself into my hand (Vanilla), or teleports off my back (Dual Sheath Redux)

Either way, one style of drawing weapons is less than perfect which is more than marginally distracting.

My suggestion for a mod is one that causes the game to recognize separate animations for each of: 1h w/(none or magic) equip/unequip; 1h w/ shield equip/unequip; and 1h w/ 1h (dual wield) equip/unequip. A total of six distinct animation calls such that one could use new or existing animations for each case instead of two for all six.

Thank you in advance to anyone willing to give this a shot, or if you already know of a mod that does this, that's perfect. thank ~~

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