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And we can use a lot of the ready-made models, just with retextures.

Possibly, depending on the items in question. I'd like some small Russian town architechure, but I don't even have a clue what they look like. And I wasn't able to find any good pics in the short time I had to check. I may have to reley on you you guys to do a lot of the research for me, until I have more disposable free time.


Think we can get someone to model a T-34? That'd be cool...

I doubt we can get someone to model one, but there are copyright free/public domain t-34 models on google 3D warehouse. I'v never imported that format, but it should be possible. There is also a sherman tank on nexus that could be edited, but I don't think it's done/finished.


And I've been told I do a decent Soviet accent, so there's always that. We could get some smaller NPC voices from other games, I think. Can we do that?

Good deal. Russian wastelander offered to do some voicework for my sunset mod, I'll contact him and see if he can provide russian voices and additonal info. It'd be great if someone could advise us a bit on culture.

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For power armor, I was thinking they use something similar to the exoskeleton suits in STALKER. It would have less DT than power armor, but can be operated by anybody.

Hmmm that's an interesting idea. I never saw any of hte exoskeletons when I played, so I went to check them out on the wiki. They look like something I could put together, with a ghost gas mask, some edits to combat armor etc. So that might be a way to.

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I could see them using Tesla and Gauss weaponry.


For power armor, I was thinking they use something similar to the exoskeleton suits in STALKER. It would have less DT than power armor, but can be operated by anybody.


Arc Welder, man. s#*!'s cray.


And the armour would be able to run faster too. But we should probably focus on softer armours like coats and basic armours, as well as iconic soviet infantry hats like Ushankas and Pilotkas

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I'm interested in what you guys think would be the better of the two following scenarios (or if you guys have one of your own). They both go off of the info I gave before about the fake Russian spy towns, they simply differ in how deep the cover was and if the occupants were aware of it.


1. Occupants of the town were training to be sleeper agents in Russia. They were aware they were American secret service personal, and were simply training in a very detailed reproduction of a Soviet town. When the bombs fell they were separated (and spared) from the initial effects of the war due to their distant location from any cities. Isolation was important so that the agents could genuinely live as Russians and not be able to sneak off to the the closes town and loose their immersion training. So when the bombs fell etc, they knew what happened and tried to make the best of it with the resources they had. Some of the Russian culture became ingrained into the small population adn they naturally formed a sort of tribe mentality. Even continuing to speaka mix of Russian and American, and use the Russian tech that was available to them.




2. They were in deep, deep immersion training via C.O.D.E brainwashing/programming and truly believed they were Russians. Not just the agents in training, but also all the extras (that were probably CIA & DOD support staff) from shopkeepers to soldiers to housewives, to give the absolutely most authentic experience possible.


When the bombs fell everything went to hell. The small staff that covertly monitored all of the town was based underground. It was composed of a few agents, science/tech support staff, a few shrinks to monitor mental stability and a group of soldiers in case there were problems. Most of them fled when the first nukes went off, whether to their family, nearest military basses to rejoin their units, went to get help, or just into the night etc. Some chose to stay, others had no choice as the last of the vehicles were gone and they were geographically isolated from any towns or cities.


In addition the installation was not intended as a full nuke proof vault, and as such most (all?) of the monitoring equipment was burned out in the nukes electromagnetic pulses. Far worse, the delicate and highly intricate/advanced C.O.D.E equipment was fried. The director had no way of shutting down the experiment and beginning the deconditioning programs.


This left a skeleton crew below the town, and a town full of terrified people that thought they were Russian and that America had just nuked the motherland. The director of operations and most (all?) of the remaining soldiers exited the vault-tec installation below to try and calm the populace, survey the situation and prepare them for deprogramming and debriefing.


Unfortunately they didn't stand a chance. Their story was outrageous, and unbelievable, like the ramblings of a mad man to the Russians. They were obviously invaders, armed U.S. soldiers, on Russian soil. In the riots, the terror and adrenaline flowing, many of the sleeper agents "activated", and their combat training emerged. Several score Jason Borne level agents and a town of terrified, hostile, rioting Russians overpowered the director, his assistants and the soldiers.


The remaining few left decided it was probably better to *not* try and deprogram/debrief highly skilled agents, that were basically finely honed killing machines, when they thought you were the enemy.......at least at this point in time. So they retreated to the underground installation to wait for help....that never came.


So you have a town of people that find out they are in the enemy's backyard, isolated from any help, dazed, confused, unable to comprehend what has happened. Theories abound, some somewhat credible (they are Russian citizens that were captured and being held, to be programmed to be U.S. agents and returned to the U.S.S.R) some not so credible (the Americans have a teleportation super weapon that can capture a whole town), some even correct.


With no food being trucked in and no vehicles left to travel out, things looked bleak. But they were Russians, and their's had always been a somewhat bleak existence. They would survive, and do what had to be done.


Over time they survived, and found that many of the members of the Russian town were very adapt at killing, taking almost instantly to firearms, hand to hand tactics etc. They were very careful to hide themselves and never leave a trail back to the village, less the Americans realize their presence here. They fought, scrounged and survived like all the survivors in the wasteland. There life was hard, and dangerous, but they survived, raised families and taught them their skills. But they never forgot their hatred/fear of the Americans and what they did to them and their town.



From here you could have a couple of options. 1 just replica of a small town, or 2. assume there was a military base including spetsnaz special forces and a small KGB headquarters as well. That would make some sense as they would want to train their agents in those positions as opposed to just typical civilians. If that's the case you could have special caste members that were the sons/daughters of KGB and Spetsnaz fulfilling the same role in town today.


One of the quests could be actually penetrating to the lower facility and finding out the mystery of what the town really was, possibly retrieving information/proof to show the Russians as one of the major quest lines.


We can also soften that hatred of the Americans, if the player performs a valuable service for them, since the U.S. is really no more. Taht way we're not locked into just having the player shoot everything that moves. He can have standard quests to aid the town, expose the KGB (or return those that have "disappeard" under the KGB), rescue captured Spetsnaz etc.

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I love aspects from both ideas, particularly option 2. The only thing I want to take from option 1 is them being able to speak English. It'll be a lot easier to find voice actors and the larger audience if we make sure the NPCs can speak English.


I do have a few small issues with option 2. When I posted this idea, I had the idea of a more ww2 era soviet union. The fanaticism to Stalin and Communism, along with WW2 era weaponry


That said, the rest is good. I'm liking the ideas of option 2, as in the vault tech, underground bases, ect. Opens up a lot of doors for the player to discover what really happened back when the bombs dropped.


The Russians back in the day were primarily farmers, so there would probably be some crop fields around the town, ect.


There is the small problem of them being initially hostile. Either we have them not so hostile at the beginning, or put the courier in a bit of a bind, somewhat literally. He gets captured by conscripts, sent out as a penal battalion soldier, does well and 'redeems' himself, gets some questions answered. Then again, the player may not be inclined to help them, especially if they decide to turn and shoot the machine gunner behind him. My suggestion is for the payer to be gunned down if they go back past a certain point.


The first option may be more rewarding to the player and entice them to actually continue playing the mod. Maybe some conscripts need assistance in a fire fight, player helps them, bish bash bosh, the courier's friends with the Ruskis.



But, all of this will be null without the right team to actually work on the mod. Modellers, script programmers, modders, the whole lot.

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I love aspects from both ideas, particularly option 2. The only thing I want to take from option 1 is them being able to speak English. It'll be a lot easier to find voice actors and the larger audience if we make sure the NPCs can speak English.

Oh yeah, in teh 200 years they'v been in the wasteland they'v scrounged various resources (books, holo tapes, even other wastelanders) and can communicate in English.


I do have a few small issues with option 2. When I posted this idea, I had the idea of a more ww2 era soviet union. The fanaticism to Stalin and Communism, along with WW2 era weaponry

No problem, I'll make a new thread, head over to it if you want to contribute.


But, all of this will be null without the right team to actually work on the mod. Modellers, script programmers, modders, the whole lot.

pretty unlikely to get a big modding team, especially for such a realtively small mod, but if it were to happen it would have to be because the story really grabbed peoples imagination.


EDIT: OK it's all set, head over here for mod development of the Russian spy town adn keep this thread for AFriendlyHobo's WW 2 era Russian equipment request.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I'd love to see some Soviet Union stuff. Like good, accurate armour, maybe some Soviet Power armour/Ranger armour, and some WW2 era weapons. I know there's a few of them, like an SVT, Mosin Nagant, and a PPSH, but there isn't a PTRS. I think a PTRS replacer for the Anti Material rifle would be awesome.


Maybe even a good Soviet Revivalist faction would work too.

OK this is a bit off topic, but could tie in really well IMHO. A while back I participated in a whole russian thread that touched on this idea, RUSSIA - A land scarred by the Wars of past. I even made up a Soviet Robobrain that I was pretty proud of (I'm sure it's still around my hard drive somewhere). It has some really good ideas in there, but it was far too ambitious, requiring a new world space.


But a new idea regarding the subject had been bouncing around in my head fairly recently, and it has to do with a interesting historical (possibly fictional?) quirk of the cold war. Essentially there were little, fake american towns set up in Russia. This is where spies and infiltrators grew up seeped in U.S. culture. They spoke english, enjoyed the American pastimes of the era, like movies, baseball, etc. So they were as at home with American culture as any native born U.S. citizen.


To the best of my knowledge we never did that in the U.S., but I could totally see fallout's America going for it. Set up little Russian (also works well with a Chinese variant) towns, where everyone speaks, sees and is submerged in Russian culture. These towns would be very secluded, because they would need to be both top secret and separate all american influence from the occupants.


So OK, interesting idea if it happened, but so what? Well it gives us a plausible tool to make a single little adventure in a authentic Russian town. It makes the scope of the mod much smaller and it could be anywhere that is isolated in the Mojave (but probably up north). So instead of just some Soviet items, you can have a little quest. Imagine that after the bombs fell they remained mostly isolated, thus surviving (well some of them) the fallout and chaos. They retained their Russian culture and over time/generations it was forgotten that they were ever Americans. Especially if you consider that fallout would have used CODE training on them, so they probably really didn't know they were Americans, at least not consciously.


Over time they became a tribe of their own, still staying mostly secluded, but venturing out when needed. But this strange tribe had foreign weapons, clothes, equipment, language and culture. It too has evolved over time, just as Americans have, but it's stayed Russian and retained it's super recluded mindset.


Could be a good little adventure to gain your soviet booty. I can help with most things (not great with weapons, but maybe we have nexus resources), and it's a lot more approachable than what we we're considering in that dead Russia thread.



Gotta say, I love this idea. Some soviet uniforms, custom village (or at least a few houses), soviet weapons, even soviet decorations and such in the houses. Possibly some propaganda messages on the radios. Would have to be pretty isolated, since just about anyone in the wasteland would have shot them to hell if they knew there were commies in the area.


Since Courier07 mentioned Stalker, I think it would be great to pull some ideas from there for weapons and armor. I know Millenia and crew have added weapons from that game to NV (or at least they were designed for Stalker and ported to NV).

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