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Any mods known to create the Fellglow Cave-in glitch.


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I cannot complete the hitting the Books mage Guild quest line because there is a bunch of rubble blocking the doors that I need to go through to progress, and I hear that even glitching through the doors will not help. I'm starting to wonder if it is one of my mods causing that, but I turned off all of The Mods that added locations, and the rubble was still there. Edited by Baalf
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It's not glitch it's a bug. Are you on a Console or PC? Try doing this: Reload your last save before you enter or you can just reload your last save before you started the quest line. If reloading didn't work for you and you used a PC well you're in luck, try entering this command "coc FellglowKeep03" in the console to bypass the boulders. I never had this issue on my playthroughs, so I don't know if it'll work for ya, so hopefully that works for you if not then I don't know what else to help you with.

Edited by jinsitsu
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