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Aela the glitchy werewolf: moonlight tales problem and followers


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So I have moonlight tales installed on my game and I love it but when I joined the companions and got to the part to become the werewolf (because anbjorn always remarks how you are in the companions) and sack the fort, when we started the battle with the skinner she change into a werewolf and never changed back. So now I have a werewolf who can just happily walk into whiterun and every just goes hey aela. I now can't complete the quest where everyone is mourning for kodlak because aela won't pick the torch at her feet even she has thumbs. She just stands there with everyone else staring a kodlak. On top of that no one wants to be my werewolf buddy and drink the werewolf blood. They say they do it but they don't do it. So what I want to know is what mod is conflicting with moonlight tales Edited by TheBeastoftheMoon
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