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CBBE FO4/Skyrim


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is there a way to play Fallout 4 without ruining my current Skyrim play through? Both have the CBBE body and outfit studio mod and I know that Fallout 4 shares things with Skyrim

a while back windows update wrecked my C drive so I had to start over with everything, I played FO4 first now Skyrim and I'm worried that going back to fallout 4 will cause trouble with Skyrim

I use Vortex mod manager, thanks for taking the time to read and answer !

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You do know that FO4 and Skyrim are two both different games right? Those two games have different directories. You're using Vortex which then sets up two different staging folders for each games. Just because they're the same mod doesn't mean they'll be sharing the same directory or drop off point. A game wouldn't mess with another game's directory. I play with different modded games from time to time including FO4 and Skyrim without any issues over a decade of modding as they would never ever conflict/overwrite each other files. Should be fine as long as you know what you're doing. There's a lot of tutorials out there if you're looking for one to help you understand things you still don't know.

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thanks for responding , I just wanted to be sure ...I heard that CBBE used the same folder for each and that starting/loading one would corrupt the other due to the shared location or file or something to that effect

Nope, you're safe. Just make sure they're from their own respective games and don't, I repeat, don't put CBBE Body from Skyrim to FO4. FO4 has his own CBBE Body mod likewise to Skyrim. Now, have fun!

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