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NPC's recognizing more types of armor


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In AFT, I hand off a bunch of clothing to my NPCs and they seem to choose their own outfits when actively following and traveling with me, but if I leave them at a player home for an extended time, they revert to their default clothing. Once re-followed, voila, they're back in one or another outfit, at least for my two primary followers, Sha and Elwyn (haven't really paid attention to the others clothing much, although they also choose their own outfits from what I get into their inventories. Gift, AFT's "Carry this stuff for me", or bypassing the interactive exchange for depositing directly using The Manipulator)


I don't use any special mods to achieve it, or at least I don't think I do. I was quite amused the first time Sha swapped clothing (she seems to like hoods for some reason and dresses very demurely for the most part but even though I know it's not real, she seems to have a sense for clothing...Elwyn on the other hand, dresses like Madonna in the 1980s if you know who I'm talking about...gawdy and mismatched. (and to date, she's never used a hood when I've added one to her inventory, even when its the only head covering in her pack. she also reverts back to her peasant dress quicker than sha reverts to her mage outfit. dunno why.)



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