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SKSE fix, for you who can't load it currently.


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Right click your SKSE icon- loader.


Go to properties,


up in left corner it says "Compatibillity" Select it,


Right below it says "Compatibillity mode"


and right under that check small box "Run this program in compatibility for:"


If you run windows 7 like me just leave it at 2Windows XP (Service Pack 3) or simply select your OS.


You might also need to check box for "Run this program as an administrator"

Edited by Destram211
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I'm not so sure that running SKSE in compatibility mode will do anything - it works fine on Win7x64 for me without it. However, it will not hurt anything either. So, Try it and see if it fixes yours. :thumbsup:


"Run this Program as an Administrator" May well be needed. Thanks to MS and their wacky the administrator is not really the administrator, that must be set for each and every program that actually needs administrator privileges even when you are already the administrator. :blink:

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No idea, I tried dozens of different fixes, and running it in compatibility mode worked like a charm for me. You can also disable steam beta, that might work for some people. After that restart steam in offline mode and try again.


And this fix also worked for a mate and my bro.

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