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CUSTOM races and hair style issues (not trying to add more, btw)


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I'm actually trying to remove them.


I made a custom race set, following many tutorials, and my only issue is hair!


I made unique forms for body & head type, as well as, a unique head parts list. With that head parts list, i was hoping only select few options would appear... they don't.


The real problem is that in the race menu, all hairs (vanilla, apachii, lore friendly, etc...) show up SOMETIMES & after jumping around to different races (still in the menu) then returing to my races, they now have their own private selection of hairs but, when they should only have about 15, the counter says 115 (because of all the hair mods) and the first 15 are my races's hair and next 100 are a duplicate of the 15th hair style.


To be perfectly honest, the same thing happens with all head parts (eyes, eyebrows, etc) but i'm fairly certain that when i fix the hair, i can fix the rest.


Just to be clear:


I tried with my default load order (well over 100 mods) then with just the essentials (skyrim, dlcs, apachii hairs <- for the select hairs)


And i made duplicates of certain apachii hairs for my own race. These dupes are just esp records for new apachii hair styles with my custome race as the "valid races" option. These dupes don't interfere with or alter any of the original apachii hair records

Edited by Kenmurikumo
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