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I am having texture issues!


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I had installed an archive Invalidater to get dimonized working right, which it fixed the issues I was having with dimonized, but now I am having this issue:

http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg320/discodogmakei/ScreenShot0_zps268e4263.pngI mean textures are like discolights in my game now, seriously!!!

I've tried a few different things that were said on a few sights. I've been using NMM, but I can't seem to get the Invalidate to work on that at all, each time I go to turn it off, it just crashes, and it wasn't doing anything on. So I installed Archiveinvalidationinvalidated into my game, following the instructions, then following a help file I found online that informed me that I need to change it in the personal folder too, but that didn't work either.


I even tried removing it and reverting the text back to how it is, but the damage won't go away!!! can someone help?



EDIT: I found the solution after posting this, sorry to waste your time, here is a link if anyone else is having same issue:




EDITEDIT: Now I am having the Fur Bikini issue again, does anyone know how to solve this?? I've tried every suggestion that i've come across, and it all just ends up fur bikini or the picture above?

Edited by Lynnalynna
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