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skyui error code 5 favoritesmenu.swf


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hey i'm new to the forums here so i hope i posted this on the right spot :3


my problem...


when i start TESV with skse launcher (via NMM) just normal nothing wrong,

i press continue to play then first time when i open my quick favorites menu with Q(default)

then i get the error code 5 favoritesmenu.swf that the file is corrupted or damaged or whatever

and everytime i restart the game and go into favorites i get this error tried reinstalling with NMM and deleted it completly from the mods folder

even last update didnt fix it either anything


any solution or anyone els is in this situation



this is what the SKYUI mod tells me to do (what i did allready)


Error Code 5: Incompatible menu file...

There are two potential causes of this error.

Problem A

You didn't uninstall an old version of SkyUI before upgrading to 3.0 or newer.

Solution A

Make sure you really removed all traces of older SkyUI versions, then install the new version again.

Installing SkyUI with the Nexus Mod Manager can help you with that, because it will detect and list conflicting files from SkyUI 2.2 and 3.1-alpha.

Edited by xiron1
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I had the game freshly installed and the newest SkyUI freshly installed. Everything worked well. After I installed the Categorized Favorites Menu Mod I had the same issue. After unistalling it the problem was gone. Do you guys also have Categorized Favorites Menu installed?

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  • 11 months later...

Thanks so much! I was having the same problem as well (brand new install of Skyrim + SkyUI). I turned off the notification like others suggested, no more pop ups. Nice to know it isn't something that actually impacts functionality!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi All ...

I see that a lot of people are having these type of problem.. Here is a solution that i found ...

Do not disable any thing in MCM menu .... it only stops the error message. If u get and incompatible menu file error just go in you skyrim directory -> Data Folder -> Interface. Find the file name that was in the error message like for Xiron1 it was favoritemenu.swf . You just need to cut this file from skyrim directory and make a 'interface backup' folder anywhere and paste it in that your if you want to delete it , your choice but i highly recommend to make a backup instead of deleting it ...

Same applies for any ERROR CODE 5 in SkyUI .... This word 100% and you will see the SkyUI menu the next time you start the game.

I hope this will help you guys ..

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  • 2 months later...

Alright... i have yes tried uninstalling and re-installing, both skyui and skse several different ways.

1: i can not find the .swf files

2: skyui installer says skse is not install, i have tried several different ways of installing skse and still didn't work.

3: i can not fully uninstall skyui thru NMM / or manually, i have tried.

If anyone would like to give me a detail list of what i need to do it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. i have watch enough youtube videos to make you go cross eyed, and search my OS, PC, programs, files, folders, downloads, and so on to make myself sick....... also i have windows 8.

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NightCrow6six6: There's your biggest problem. Windows 8. No, seriously. In a clean install of Skyrim and all DLC, you will find NO interface folder in your Skyrim Data folder. IF you see one it means you installed a mod which created it. So manually unzipped any mods you have installed and check if there is an "Interface" folder in that mods data folder. If there is, then check in it to see what "swf" files it is installing. SkyUI has NO loose folders. only "esp" and "bsa" files. And any interface files pertaining to menus from any mod will conflict with SkyUI. For those not knowing where to look. Skyrim install folder (root dir) -> Data->Interface folder. All swf loose files will be in there, if any. Also if you install a mod that modifies menus, but it has a "bsa" instead of loose files. Then you either need it above SkyUI or you need to extract the mods bsa and remove offending "swf" files. Or just don't install the conflicting mod. Hope this clarifies this problem. And the avaiable solutions.


EDIT: I went and checked my backup game and found I was incorrect. There is an interface folder created by game. But all that is in it is a translate file. Nothing else. Been awhile since I have looked. So forgot about this. All other info is correct.

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