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Step-by-step help to creating own house theme?

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Hello! I actually asked for help earlier with a separate issue, so I apologize for having to ask again on something else. However, it is a separate and I think more complex issue. I have my custom house all set up with the furniture/props for the theme in mind linked to an X marker I made. (Duplicated another and made a new form.) However, I have no idea where to go from here. I've searched the forums quite a bit and fiddled ingame, finding things like the locker in Craterside which is supposed to contain themes (but is empty, for me) and such, but I'm not sure how to make my theme usable. What I'm hoping to do is have the theme be offered in Moira's shop inventory like the other themes, or like objects like the workbench and juke box. (I've looked at how the themes are offered and noticed you have to select the specific dialogue option for it to show up, and only one seems to show at a time, so I realize making a new dialogue to offer it might not be feasible for a newbie like me. In that case, I'd probably go for trying to buy it like the workbench and such instead.)


Can anyone tell me, step by step, how this is done? Even just a few hints would be helpful. Thanks!

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Ultimately, you are going to have to write a script that enables your Xmarker. I assume that your Xmarker is set to be initially disabled AND it is the enable parent of all your theme items. Then it's just a matter of enabling the xmarker via some script somewhere. That script can be a results script of a dialogue option or it can be attached to an item using an OnAdd Player code block. If it is attached to an item that the player buys, the scipt on that item would look something like this:

SCN MyThemeStartScript

Short Okay

Begin OnAdd player
  If Okay == 0
    Set Okay to 1

This script will only run once, when the player first buys (or otherwise adds the item to his inventory).

The caveat being that MyXMarkerRef is replaced with the Ref ID you gave your XMarker.

Edited by pkleiss
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To complicate matters worse, you may need some overriding script, such as a quest script that controls when the theme item is added to Moira's (or any vendors) inventory. I guess you wouldn't want it to show up after it's been bought, but then show up again if the player buys a different theme. That can be handled by checking if your XMarker is enabled or not. If it's not enabled, the item is added to the shop inventory, if the Xmarker is enabled, it is removed or not added.

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