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How to install skeleton correct? or reset?


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So it would appear I am stuck on the CHSBHC skeleton. If I uninstall through NMM and install XP32 also through NNM, then I use the GenerateFNISforUsers. It gives a warrning, "custome skeleton found" if I launch the game at this point I will still be using the CHSBHC skeleton, if I check the skeleton patch in the GenerateFNISforUsers it will complete with no warrnings. Once I go into game, I am still using the CHSBHC skeleton. How the hell to I either reset it or more preferable install the other skeleton? why does it not update the skeleton? :S

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maybe you use a custom race that comes with its own skeletons... check the data\meshes\actors\character\<your custom race>\(male[or]female)\character assets [female] folder, or search the folder if the structure is off for skeleton.


if this is the case you'll have to manually replace those files with the skeletons found in data\meshes\actors\character\character assets [female] folders.

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Sadly I do not use a custom race, I'm Nord.

I think I already tried replacing the skeleton manually, but I will give it a shot again.


Did not help.

I got a suspession it's because of the fact that GenerateFNISforUsers forces me to check the skeleton patch, and that some how messes it up.
Last time I was using XP32 I don't recall I had to check that in GenerateFNISforUsers.


Anyone know how to fix?

Edited by zIRaXor
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Perhaps you are confused about this... but the XP32 skeleton also supports the features CHSBHC does. So as long as you are using mods for CHSBHC, theyw ill not care if you use CHSBHC skeleton or another compatible skeleton, like XP32.


How do you know if you are using the XP32 skeleton, it's not like it's visible on your character or something.

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Perhaps you are confused about this... but the XP32 skeleton also supports the features CHSBHC does. So as long as you are using mods for CHSBHC, theyw ill not care if you use CHSBHC skeleton or another compatible skeleton, like XP32.


How do you know if you are using the XP32 skeleton, it's not like it's visible on your character or something.

Trust me I know, there are several features in my skyrim that don't work, because it's not using the XP32 skeleton.

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Well then, the skeleton is saved here;


Male: data\meshes\actors\character\character assets

Female: data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female


Remove those files, either manually or by uninstalling the mod(s) that come with a skeleton and check.


Reinstall FNIS (read uninstall instructions on its page!!!!!!!)


Install XP32






Kind of the brute force approach :p

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Still don't work, I'm gonna give up... I'm starting to doubt it's actually an issue with the skeleton, but might be something else that causes it.. Regardless I still get CTD.
Anyway to check in console or some how what skeleton is currently running?

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