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found an error not sure what any help is welcome


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ok found this happening and cant figure out why. anyone have any ideas... no idea whats causing it,

[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
ZNetScene.RemoveObjects (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] currentNearObjects, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] currentDistantObjects) (at <1b865f8b3455488592cdc401081112e3>:0)
ZNetScene.CreateDestroyObjects () (at <1b865f8b3455488592cdc401081112e3>:0)
ZNetScene.Update () (at <1b865f8b3455488592cdc401081112e3>:0)
and it repeats... till the game fps totally dies..and it crashes... or the fps stays at 10 or less and runs like poo.

not sure what is the cause but as i said... when i open console with f5 i can see this code repeating itself over and over.

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I'm not familiar with the error, but in your other post about this exact same error, you mentioned you are using mods. Have you tried running the game without the mods enabled, to see if it still has the error occur? That may tell you if it's an issue related to mods or modding, or if it's the game itself.

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I'm having this issue too! Get the exact same error which infinitely pops up in the console and after a while slows the game down to the point of restarting. Weird thing is that it only happens for me in the Ashlands. I have it modded using Forgotten Biomes and MonsterLabz and Monstericom, using SpawnThat. I think it's forgotten biomes causing the issue, I tried changing the frequency of mobs spawns but that didnt make a difference. I also changed the config of forgotten biomes to try and reduce the amount of things that spawn in vegetation wise, but again, no luck. Any help on what the error code means would be really helpful.

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