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Wrye Bash Tags


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Alright, havn't messed around with the mods much in Skyrim. Despite having 200 of them, I just fooled around with them stock, until my game loaded right.. well you after about a year I got tired of all the crashes, and freezes on loading...


I finally decided to use BOSS and Wrye Bash. Don't worry! I know how to do it. I got it all fixed, used tes5edit to clean the .esp's etc. etc. Everything is dandy it seems.


The only question I have, is what EXACTLY is the Wrye Bash tags? the Delev and Relev that was put on some mods by BOSS.


Funny enough searching on google, and Nexus Forums I've found no explanation of what these tags actually do..


I've found tons of "how to add tag" help, and how to use wrye bash, but that's not what I want to know..


So does someone know exactly what those tags do? It'd just be nice to know.. Thanks in Advance!


P.S. If there is something else I'm supposed to do after BOSS tags mods with the Wrye tags. Let me know <3


Edit: I do have 1 more question.. Do I have to start Skyrim + Skse from Wrye Bash for those tags to initialize?

Edited by Kinkybabe
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