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Mod Updates


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As a player of a heavily modded Skyrim, I try to keep the mod list up to date. What is frustrating, is to see an updated mod and after an often long download, to find that it was only the mod description that was updated and a large chunk of expensive bandwidth was wasted.


Is there a way of tagging the update to indicate that the file/s have changed and not just the description???


Connectivity in South Africa is still slow and expensive.


Thank you for your consideration

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Unfortunately not always!!!! What I would like to see is a tag on the dropdown menu of "updates today" and "recent updates" thta would indicate that the files have been modified and not just the description.


Thank you for the reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually when I sort by "Most Recently Updated", the dates refer to something other than the actually mod that has been updated; ie the description, a new user image, a forum comment, an endorsement, etc. It would be quite useful if the list would provide a specific "Mod Update Date & New Version #". Version numbers don't change when someone posts a comment. Perhaps this is why the site prominently lists "total downloads" vs "unique downloads"? How many people would not even visit the mod page were they not misled by the non-update?


Just sayin'

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