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Low-end System, Which of these Mods and what ENB settings should I use


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Hey, I'm posting here because I got no response from the STEP forums.


I'm using STEP basically but only with NMM instead of Wrye Bash and a few extra mods here and there.


Have an HD 7750 1GB DDR5, Phenom II x 2 555 3.2Ghz, 2GB RAM (might upgrade to 4GB) and I play at 1600x900.


Which of the mods in these sections -





Can I use so that my Skyrim runs constantly over atleast 15 FPS?


Also I'd like to use ENB so any suggestions on that and SMAA, Anti-Aliasing or FXAA?


Thanks in advance!


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I have a lower system than you, except having 4gb. I've had a lot of trouble with getting my fps up. Im averaging 11-19 now... I tried the silent hill homecoming enb, at first it help with performance greatly but then I screwed something up and was better off without it. It's on the enb website get v10 if you can find it.


Don't use skyrim aa or af, force it through you video driver software ( catalyst control centre or your equivalent) or try it through the enb, I haven't tried that though

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