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a modding advice


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Hello everyone

I'm trying to create a mod that would implement the official Skyrim achievements but with a feeling of in-game feature instead of just silly pop-up. I was wandering if you somebody could give me some advice.

I'm a professional programmer but I have no experience with modding and tools similar to CK. All I need is a nudge in right direction, a hands-on advice that would spare me learning CK from beginning.

Basically, I need to know 4 things:

- how to make an object to listen specific events (quest completed, skill practicing)

- how to handle data when those events fire, and save them into a save file

- how to put an info on the screen when achievement is unlocked

- how to create listing with status of every achievement

I noticed that there are 2 quests: AchievementsQuest and AchievementsHardWorkerFoodQuest, probably used by Steam. My guess is that they listen achievement related events, so I might be able to use them instead of creating my own listeners.

Thanks in advance

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