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Sharpshooter's ENB help


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Im sure I installed this mod correctly and the other mods it listed in the instructions. But I am getting pitch black shadow everywhere making the game really undesirable to play. Can any1 help me, as I'm sure it is not suppose to have pitch black shadows every where.

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I think it is caused by the setting inside the ENBseries.ini file. I also not really enjoy the dark feeling at night of SharpShooter's ENB, I move to SomberENB now and they have fanatic look! However, the FPS drop significiantly with SomberENB... so I open up both ENBseries.ini from SharpShooter and Somber and copy the setting that optimze FPS (e.g. SSAO setting, relfection setting, shadow setting, etc) from SharpShooter to Somber, and now I have a SomberLook-SharShooterPerformance ENB file and enjoy.


Anyway, I have my own problem, the texture sometime will disapper and see through the wall/ground, my thread is here:


Let's see if anyone can give me some idea how to fix that.... :(

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