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Skyrim won't load after syncing local data with cloud


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Yesterday I was prompted by Steam that my local files weren't synced with the data on the Steam cloud for Skyrim. So it asked me to either download the cloud files or upload the local files to the cloud. I chose to upload the local files since they were the most recent.

Now I don't remember what happened exactly, but I left to go do something while that was working. When I came back it said something about having failed or not syncing properly. Not giving me any other options I cancelled out of it and started the game up anyway. Since I know my local files should have stayed up-to-date anyway. I launch via the SKSE_loader.exe. I have SKSE, SkyUi, SkyRe, Uncapper and a number of other mods but those shouldn't be causing any problems.


So I start the game just fine and tell it to load from the latest saved game. It goes into the loading screen and when it's done loading, the game crashes by telling me Skyrim.exe has stopped working and cannot find a solution to the problem. I tried loading the next save down and got the same noise.

Tried verifying cache for the game and it said there was a file missing and that Steam would re-obtain it. Endless cycle. But this didn't work either.

Turned off synchronization with the Steam cloud, didn't work.

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It may be ......Possible to recover yesterdays data be Rolling back the system.....the whole system Prior to synchronization or even further back to be safe. The idea here is, when windows restores the settings, the "synchronization" strings should not be on the harddrive. Do this off line, disconnect the Lan or internet before starting. it's a long shot but you need to undue the last 48 hours of data transfer. windows has a copy of all data backed up. Good luck and stay off of clouds.


Edited by Purr4me
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