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A dragon nest/cave


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Nest idea: How about a mod that adds a dragon sized nest/roost containing dragon eggs or however they are made in TES series up in the mountains.


Cave idea: How dragons are portrayed in fantasy novels and so on is that they hoard vast treasures, why not adopt that into Skyrim? Think "Bilbo".


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In Skyrim lore none knows where dragons come from. There are no eggs and none ever saw a baby dragon, their numbers are limited and never grow.

Thats why none knows why they're coming back: None knows where they came from in the first place.


And there is a dragon in Blackreach if you want a dragon cave.


Also, summoning Durneviir in close environments is known to be a game crasher, so it'd have to be a HUGE place to support a dragon indoors.

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  • 8 months later...

Isphus im sorry but your wrong......the dragons are the children of Akatosh the God in form of a dragon......after Akatosh created the dragons they basically ran tamriel until the blades and the first dragon born........you are right about the numbers being limited though....they die and unless their souls are stolen by the dragonborn, they are regenerated after some time.

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Isphus im sorry but your wrong......the dragons are the children of Akatosh the God in form of a dragon......after Akatosh created the dragons they basically ran tamriel until the blades and the first dragon born........you are right about the numbers being limited though....they die and unless their souls are stolen by the dragonborn, they are regenerated after some time.


WE know that. The people in Tamriel don't (atleast the mass public doesn't)



Also, the blades came much later than the dragon war. Blades hunted individual dragons left over after the war. They didn't fight the war itself.

Also, unles I'm mistaken the first Dragonborn (excluding Miraak) came in the first Era

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