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Female Head/Body Skin tone mismatch on both PC and NPC (Vanilla Skyrim


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Can you remove these files: Skyrim - textures.bsa / Skyrim - meshes.bsa


and validate you files on Steam? If Hi-res packs... same thing, remove and validate to get new.


It's gotta be somewhere in there.


Well i already did a full reinstall and it didnt help much isnt that the same thing as deleting those bsa files?

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So a full reinstall didn't help either? On a new game with no mods? I'm stumped.


So am i.. i guess the problem lies in my graphic card or drivers .. or one of the ini files idk i think i give up :(


Anyways thats not the only weird problem without solution that my Skyrim has lol i also mentioned in one of the topics a quite huge stuttering happening only while wearing a fullface helmet (like priest mask , ebony helm etc) .. again no solution/fix for that either

Edited by DrOuroboros
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  • 7 months later...

Any solution ever found to this? I have the same issue. I'm wondering if something causes the head and body textures to point to the wrong shaders for skin tone. I've noticed odd ball things get mixed up out of order even in "clean" installs after having modded Skyrim. I have had no luck isolating the issue though...

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  • 2 months later...

I am having this issue too but am almost positive this is just how vanilla is. We are so used to hi res textures and body meshes we forget how low quality and mismatched lots of things in vanilla are. Also, 95% of the time in game we are clothed or zoomed out.


I spent three days trying to find and fix the issue as well to no avail!


I'm running an nvidia GeForce 680 gtx, maybe it's something with the shaders.

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  • 2 months later...
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