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Female Head/Body Skin tone mismatch on both PC and NPC (Vanilla Skyrim


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-sigh- This just cropped up for me.

All Orcs have Nord skin colour on their heads only.

Thing is, this happened years ago on my PS3 file so I know it isn't a mod issue. It's irritating but Orcs don't pop up very often so I'll ignore them for now.

well i have the same problem, but i'm on pc, i remove all the mods and tried again and no fix for it, heck even got a 100% clean save at lvl 81 with vanilla skyrim completion at 99% and still stuck with the orc head color issues, i re-check the files cache, and the system update like 6 o 7 of them and yet still with that odd bug... i'll gonna try a reinstall, hoping for the best...

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  • 6 months later...

I have the very same issue of PC and now even NPC mismatching skin tone.


The issue i have is that all female heads have a lower resolution than bodies. I notice that the lips are kind of pixel-ish. When i go to the showracemenu and i change Complexion the color mismatch becomes almost fixed, the exact skin tone isn't still met but it is very close to it like 95%, however when i safe the game after fixing it with showracemenu and restart the game the head switches back to the color mismatch. Deinstalling all body mods and the head still has that mismatch of color with the body.


I've also noticed that in showracemenu all options for Standard hair are gone and only are left with ApachiiHair options. Deinstalling Apachii's Hair mod is not an option because game crashes before it can even start besides bethesda logo.


So i assume it has something to do with Apachii's hair mod, but it is coming out of the sudden because i never had issues before with it and also all hair options of vanilla were present before.

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Ok appearantly it is all the fault of Apachii's Hair mod. I used this mod like for several years without problems and now it makes problems. The solution to this which Apachii offers does not work for me, the addon fixes for humans,bretons, orcs and elves does not work for me. I tried the Creation Kit method before and it did not help especially since my PC (Personal Character) is not a mod and can not be changed by Creation Kit.

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  • 2 years later...

This might be a tad old, but I'll just let you know what was causing a similar issue for me - a slight mismatch in color around the neck seam area - usually only visible on NPCs with darker skin tones (or paler ones under close inspection) or in certain lighting environments.


Basically it was standard "_msn" file (normal map) located in "...\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Textures\Actors\Character" for each specific race. For example if you go into "redguardfemale" and see a file named "femalehead_msn" DELETE THIS FILE - it's a normal map that seems to override custom normal maps by default for NPCs. I honestly don't know if it's a base file from vanilla Skyrim or something a mod dumped in there or neglected to delete during an uninstall - just delete it!


Image for comparison: http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=bqs2net2hvg5toyvgxb2.jpg


For me anyway that sorted the issue out completely, just head into each races respective file and delete the "femalehead_msn" ("bretonfemale", "femaleorc", "imperialfemale", etc).


Hope that helps!

Edited by thewondersheep
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  • 3 months later...
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