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Real Stealthboy


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This seems like a really simple mod to me, and I'd make it myself if I had any experience with adding things to the game.


Basically, what I want to see is a stealthboy that acts like the one you could find in the rare random encounter from Fallout 1. I guess it was basically a pipboy module canonically, you switched it on and off, when it was on it made you fully invisible to everyone and was a pretty big cheat device. What I was thinking, since they're in the game in a restricted capacity, is that someone could put one somewhere and call it "Stealthboy Module Prototype" or something that makes it sound different. I think it should be an invisible (as in not visible on the character) "armor" in one of the extra slots that acts like the regular ones except it's a permanent effect as long as the stealthboy is equipped.


If anyone wants a description of what that random encounter was I'll try to describe it shortly from memory: Standard flat wasteland encounter, there was a giant footprint in the ground in the middle with a corpse in the center, you find the stealthboy on the corpse.


It'd be cool if someone could do this, I was disappointed when I first played and saw how badly they nerfed it. I wished they hadn't retconned them and had at least put a story behind them that explained why they sucked compared to the original from F1.


Thanks in advance.

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I understand what you're saying, but I just think it would be nice to have a stealthboy function normally. Wearing whatever you want while using it is part of the draw.

Mix it with the ideas about super mutant transformations and you could play as a nightkin.

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