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Edit weapon stats


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Hi, guys!

I'm playing Far Cry 3 with Ziggys mod and I think this is awesome, but still there is something that I didn't like.
Is nothing particularly with this mod, but with the game. I would like to balance the weapons to a more realistic stats for my personal taste. I would like to mod the weapons on the way I want it, but I'm dont know how. Maybe tweaking prices, names, damage, range, etc.

I searched the forum for some tips but nothing
In short, how do I reabalance/change/mod the weapons tats in Far Cry 3?

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Honestly - I don't like the vast number of animals and plants that need to be culled in order to craft your "leatherworks", (and I want to change that) but his guns are the most realistic that are built. I have a fair bunch of military time, and I can tell you that one smack from anything that will fire a 7.62mm, .303 or .308 bullet ejected from the muzzle at 3200 feet per second - even at a mile range - is going to knock you down - flat on your keester. None of the assault rifles in all of the other mods - including the original game - will do this. For this reason I have to stick with Ziggy.

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Download the gibbed tools for dunia2, unpack the patch.dat file. In the unpacked folder, go to worlds/fc3_main/generated and find the entities.fcb file and use the convertbinary exe to extract it. Then you can edit the resulting xml files and pack it back up when you are done.

Edited by nottorus
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there is a youtube Video how to do that.

I'm currently checking out mod compilations as well and appearently the weapon stats in the reballanced mod are quite good.

So an idea would be to use that one or to copy the stats from the reballanced- into Ziggys mod.

I think it should be easy even for unerxperienced people by unpacking the files from both mods and copy the weapon files into Ziggys mod (correct me if I'm wrong).

I find the weapon behaviour in Ziggys nice as well though.

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Hey! I've been using pandorax357's v3.3 mod (and enjoying the heck out of it). I decided I'd like a little more variation in weapons, so came to this thread. Watched the modding weapon stats tutorial above a couple times; the last time I'd DLed both tools per the tutorial, and followed it along, step by step. I tweaked the 1911 in Pandora's v3.3 mod to mimic a Para Ordnance P14, chambered in Cor Bon 400 for my first effort. Everything went just like in the tutorial with NP. When I fired up FC3 to check out my hot rodded 1911..............I immediately noticed the 30 Day minimalist mini map, health/armor bars had reverted to their vanilla appearance?? When I checked the 1911, it appeared my tweaks had not taken effect (14 rd mag capacity); in retrospect.................that was likely me being an idiot. I had the 10rd increased capacity mag option on my 1911 in my save game; if I'd detached the 10 rounder, I'd probably discovered the 14 rd tweak was there.........what can I say; I'm 'a n00b. :blush: .


I replaced the patch.dat and patch.fat files with back ups of pandoras pd & pf files..................my game runs fine. I'm planning on repeating my 1911 tweak attempt later today (time permitting)...........and I'll detach the 10rd mag option to see if my 14rd base mag tweak has taken effect.


I've PMed pandora about this, but wanted to solicit additional advice. My question is why would tweak some stats for a single weapon cause Pandora's mod minimap to revert to vanilla in my game, as I don't want to lose that, or any of the other mod features I enjoy so much?


Just so no one gets bent out of shape......................any tweaks or changes I make to Pandora's mod compilation will never leave my HDD in any way; they're for my own use and enjoyment only. TY!

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I'm actually quite the noob too and unfortunately don't have much time for fc3 atm so I can'T really try stuff. But we can be noobs together^^

So, here'S a thought. Did you use the attatchments mod raw for what you did, like in the video? Cause I think(!!!!) you don't need it and it could cause

problems if you do. Instead just unpack the patch.dat from the 30 days mod and convert the entitylibrary.fcb and do your stuff and so on. tell me if that

helped. would make me proud:D gl hf

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Hey! Yes, I used the attachments.raw to create a patch folder as demonstrated in the tutorial video.


When you say to unpack the 30 Days patch.dat file............................using what to unpack it? I just unpacked it with the unpacker.exe in the Gibbed Dunia 2 tools folder. That created a patch_unpack file in my FC 3 data_win 32 file. Looking in the patch_unpack file I found a bunch of other files including a patch_unpack/worlds/fc3_main/generated/entitylibrary.fcb file.


Pretty much the same file chain in the patch folder demoed in the tutorial................"except" in that, there not only was an entitylibrary.fcb file but an entitiylibrary FOLDER that contained a WeaponProperties folder, and FC3 folder that actually held the editable weapon files.


The folders and file in yellow above, are not in this patch_unpack file I created by unpacking the 30 Days patch.dat file with the Gibbed Dunia 2 unpacker. Therefore, I can't access the weapon files to edit. Thanks!

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So you can't do it that way? I downloaded the first file from the 30days mods and I have it in there and could edit it... Did you use the "fresh" patch.dat&.fat from before you were trying to change it earlier?

when I unpack it there are tons of folder in an entitylibrary_converted folder. just for fun and to see what is added you could compare the unpacked vanilla patch.dat with the unpacked modded one.

that was at least for me quite illuminating. Just as en example: the domino/system/getsafehousestate & safehousemodifir_v2 add the possibility to choose to take over a savehouse or not (compare with the files in neverland v2 mod) theoretically you could then just take these files and put them in place in any other compilation. that way I'm trying to figure out how everything works and tweak my own compilation too (eventually anyway^^). Unfortunately most of the pro modder stopped working on fc3 or pausing to work on it:( hope there will be some more again now after the summer sale^^


hm... still trying a bit to understand what u meant earlier;) don't quite know whether it worked for u or not but I have a feeling you will figure it out.


ah... does the 30 days include the "enhanced holster" its not perfect but kind of makes sense (the way it changes the controls I mean) its easy to implement (or to get rid of it^^).

hope I'm not getting too much off topic here just trying to share some experience:D. glgl

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Thanks for the reply. I missed a step from the tutorial......I did not drag and drop the entitylibrary.fcb (from the unpacked 30 Days patch.dat file) into the GibbedDunia2.ConvertBinaryObject file. That step generates the missing (for me) EntityLibrary foler, the WeaponProperties folder and FC3 with the editable weapon files. So I fixed all that; then used the GibbedDunia2.Pack.exe to repack my 30 Days patch working folder......................which successfully generated new patch.dat and patch.fat files in my data_win32 folder.


Now the bad news is................none of my 1911 tweaks appear in game and the 1911 is listed in the store inventories as not being eligible for any attachments. WTBleep!!! I even started a new game................to see if that was necessary.............same result; my 1911 magazine tweak (14 rds base capacity) is not showing up in game (presumably the other 1911 tweaks [base damage, fire rate, and max range] are not working either). :confused:


I've restored my 30 Days original patch.dat and patch.fat to my data_win32 folder and the game is running OK. Guess I'll keep working on it. Take care and thanks again!

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Disregard on the help request. I figured it out......................I wasn't making a single mistake repeatedly........................I was making several small mistakes, a different one each time I made another attempt at tweaking the 30 Days weapon stats. All better now; everything working fine. Thanks G1000 for the tip on not needing the attachments.raw file................that was the first problem I solved due to your advice!

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