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mods not working properly


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Can anyone help me. none of my mods are working properly. I am downloading them using nexus mod manager. Nexus says they have installed properly and then when I look at plugins. nothing has changed there or in-game. I am trying to download UNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT and TM BallGown - UNPB BBP. I have not done anything to game and have only played it as it came.

Edited by mrawesome46
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1. your load order is wrong, update.esm should be loaded after skyrim.esm and before the DLC's. Also put DLC's in release date order.

2. those mods you say are texture replacers, they don't show up in your load order because they have no plugin

3. are you using a legal version of the game?

4. did you edit your SkyrimPrefs.ini located here; My Documents\My Games\Skyrim and add this (if Launcher is not present, add it)


5. can you check inside your Data folder if it does not contain another Data folder inside where your mods have been installed? If that's the case install another version of NMM that doesn't have this bug.

6. blah

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