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Summoning Dragons like Sindragosa & Durnehviir ; Problems!


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Hey fellow Skyrim Nexus Players!!


So I've been having some serious issues with my skyrim. Its my first time playing and I got all the dlc's before I loaded it up. I'm currently level 4 and I wanted to get a dragon mount. Seeing as how there are infinite mods here I could find one right? True! But whenever I try using them they fail :( So the first dragon mount I tried to use was Sindragosa's Shout (to ride and use for follower) The link to source http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38006/? I'm currently running the latest version of skyrim. -- Along with using the SkyUI Mod with the latest version of SKSE. After all the troubleshooting i've tried to do along with help from the developer himself (he's on vacation with an iphone) so he could only help me so much to the extent of his abilities. I have the shout skill after following instructions with using a dragon soul that I just recieved for killing my first dragon. When I use the shout an orangesh cone type rocket animation emits, with no sindragosa that followes :( I've done so many things to try and fix this :/ If anyone using this mount can walk me through this step by step to get this working that would be absolutely fantastic!!! I'm looking for anyone that has experience with these type of mods and can help newbies fix an issue like this.



Now the next mod that I attempted to use was the "Better Rideable Dumehviir" mod by MorgulCaptain, Again, another mod that would allow me to mount a dragon. However, after installing the mod I have no shout to summon either dragon to fly. I'm guessing you might have to be at a certain point in the game to unlock it? I don't know for sure since there are no instructions + I'm new to the game still. The link to the mod is ; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32937/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D32937%26preview%3D&pUp=1 If anyone can help me with this mod or the sindragosa one please, please let me know. I would love to talk to you and get to the bottom of things. Thanks in advance guys!

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