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Comprehensive list of "Bugs" and "Tweaks"


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Hello everyone. After some time, i've decided to come back and go through DA:O again. Since i think it's fairly safe to assume that the last offical patch will be the last time BioWare takes a look at DA:O, i was interested in getting together a collection of mods that i can zip up and throw in my game archives for future use. Although i still have the mods i used on my last DA binge, i figured that now would be a good time to attempt to make a complete list of all the bug fixes needed. However, after looking around, i have been unable to find a comprehensive list of all the (many) bugs in DA:O. So, i was wondering, does anyone here have such a list? Does such a list even exist? All of the various examples i was able to dig up are either very dated (going back to the 1.3 patch and earlier) or are not designed to be more than a general list of popular mods.


My primary goal is to fix the combat bugs, item spawning bugs, quest glitches and dialogue problems.


Additional goals include maintaining item transitions between the OC and the xpack, using the "Awakening in the OC", "Skip the Fade", and "Extra Dog Slot" mods.


I want to keep the game as true to its original form as i can. I'm not looking to completely change the rules.


I have experience modding myself (although not w/ DA per se, all i've done is tweak a few mods i've downloaded from this site, and that was a while back) so i have no issues doing some of my own work, however taking the time to identify bugs and write fixes for them and test them... well, let's just say i was hoping to simplify the process. :smile:


So, anyone out there with more XP than i have any suggestions?


Thanks for taking the time to read through my long winded post, and for any help offered!



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Yes, i've seen that page. Unfortunately, the inclusion of the *cough* inferior *cough* console version bugs, and the fact that it is very outdated on many levels leaves me with more questions than answers. Not to mention, by this point, it's just a mess of text, very disorganized and just not very helpful (unless you care about xbox achievement issues, hehe). I was hoping for more of something like:


+healing effect

haste bug

no boots in lothering chantry

merchant belt


Something that just lists all the various glitches that will be easier to go through and research one by one.


Thanks though!

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There have been several attempts at this sort of thing, (or at least people have started Topics about doing so...) but AFAIK there hasn't really been anything comprehensive.


Might be easier to just go through the Readmes provided in the various "Fix" mods, making notes of what each one addresses (and looking at the mods themselves to see how it's done.)


The Big Four are the following:


1. Qwinn's Unofficial DAO Fixpack (Qwinn, available on the BSN)

2. DA Rules Fixpack (gastank)

3. Morrigan Restoration Fixpack (Terra_Ex)

4. Awakening Silverite Mine Bug Fix (Terra_Ex)


There are also some more minor dialogue fixes (e.g. "IRS" for Big Al, and "ZDF" for Zev) as well as a large number for a specific skill/ability/spell/item (like the "Ancient Elven Boots Fix").


Use "fix" as the search term on the DAO files page and you'll find most of them. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, i figured it would come down to that. Started looking through those last night as a matter of fact. I've used the DA Rules Fixpack myself (and loved it) so that's where i began. I'm assuming that the shear number of bugs (and the grey area around what is a bug and what isn't) has made such a project difficult to complete. Plus the fact that BioWare has patched the game frequently enough to make it difficult to maintain...


But i suppose now is as good a time as any to get it finished - seeing as you can't even download all the promo items from them any longer (at least not in-game) i think it is safe to assume they're done w/ DA:O. I'll see if i can work up a rough draft and post it here. Let everyone else check it over and make suggestions.

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Hehe yeah i've seen that site. It works pretty well too. Odd how even after you install them it still shows up as available to download in-game, even though they seem to work just fine. *shrugs* DA's DLC was always glitchy as all hell tho, so i guess i'm not that surprised.


Working on a list, trying to come up with a useful way of displaying it here in an organized state. There's a lot of data to sift through. I'll throw it up here when i get it in a workable state, most likely by this weekend i hope.



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Hehe yeah i've seen that site. It works pretty well too. Odd how even after you install them it still shows up as available to download in-game, even though they seem to work just fine. *shrugs* DA's DLC was always glitchy as all hell tho, so i guess i'm not that surprised.


Working on a list, trying to come up with a useful way of displaying it here in an organized state. There's a lot of data to sift through. I'll throw it up here when i get it in a workable state, most likely by this weekend i hope.




I'm also doing a new playthrough, so I'm excited to see what your results will be.


My goals are similar to yours, want it to be as close to the original as possible, only with fixed content and maybe some added textures.

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