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Strange Problem


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Hi all.


Ive been trying to troubleshoot this problem for the last week. - read many articals, many forums, and edited many ini file tweeks over this course but still no avail.


So, the problem...


(dungeons only) I get trasnparent hands, and see through walls...but randomly.


Mods running:

THe unoffical patches

Skyrim HD tex pack

Somber EMB


Fixes tried:


Tried all fixes from the ENB makers page. no avail.

Tried adding the "bFloatPointRenderTarget=1" (this is the problem, if set to 0 then all is fine except for sun)

Tried going vanilla+just ENB No avail.

Tried taking of the Blur/DOF/SSAO/AA etc etc No good

Tried most versions of the actual ENB main file, no difference


So. to recap.

I really love the look and feel of the game as it is now, despite the errors that are really making it hard to play...


But it all points down to the bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 - IF set to 1 = Outside+Sun is perfect, no problems at all.. but inside Dungeons and a few houses et, walls and things disapear and makes it unplayable..


If set to "0" then Everything is perfect inside dungeons and houses, but outside the sun is a majour problem and shines through everything...


So im at a loss. - If read manmy threads of this with no resolves.. or the fixes that I have rea have not worked for me at all..


So now I turn here for some help and guidence..


Using a Nvida GTX 770 latest drivers


Would appreciate a fix for this.

Many thanks


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Check your Skyrim.ini [Display] settings...


Do you have




There? See if removing it helps.


In ENB settings see if disabling "Detailed Shadows" helps


bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 must be set to 1 for ENB to work. So keep it.

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Ok, you wrote "Using a Nvida GTX 770 latest drivers". That's exactly your problem. The latest nVidia Drivers have issues with ENB files.

The last properly working one for ENB settings are the 314.22 Driver. Try it if you don't have check this option out.

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Ok, you wrote "Using a Nvida GTX 770 latest drivers". That's exactly your problem. The latest nVidia Drivers have issues with ENB files.


The last properly working one for ENB settings are the 314.22 Driver. Try it if you don't have check this option out.


I completely over read that... :\

Yup need 314.22 drivers, but... they are not compatible with GTX7xx cards, so your pretty stuck.


You can try edit the enbseries.ini file and set forcefakevideocard to true... but that might come with additional bugs and incompatibilities.

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Are yes, the 314.22 only supports the GTX TITAN. Have forgot that, sorry. But I don't recommend to set forcefakevideocard to true. It will change nothing on a nVidia.

Unfortunately you are stuck with this issue for now. But the author of ENB works on a fix for that so don't worry about.

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Right Ok I wont change vid card drivers for now then.

I did (and forgot to mention) in the OP that I did disable detailed shadows too.

and I dont have:-



in my ini file anwyay..


So the owner of ENB (Borris?) I wonder if he is aware of this problem then.

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He is aware and it's an issue on Nvidia's side who is trying to fix it (more details on guru3d website)

You can try set the facevideocard, but it's against recommendations, tho it did seem to fix this issue for a few people. There's a thread about it somewhere on this forum. But like I said and Osmanli as well, it may come with problems of its own.


Reference here; http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1034429-nvidiaenb-sun-shines-through-mountains-bug-temp-fix/

Possible good working binary for Nvidia 320+ drivers: http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v13713.htm

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Thanks Prod80, I'll give that a go and report back soon.


(im willing to try anything currently) as it looks so damm good right now, that anything else will be a shame to look at!...

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