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problem i've had for a while


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You may think you playing in full screen, but what it sounds like you have is a window that takes up the full screen, entirely different thing.


If you have experience with editing the ini, The setting is

bFull Screen=1 (If it is a 0 then you have been playing in a window)


You can change your screen resolution with: replace the xxxx with the screen Width resolution of your choice, and the yyyy with the Height. Be sure to use values that BOTH your monitor and video card support. Or it will cause problems.

iSize W=xxxx

iSize H=yyyy

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well first, the problem happened before on my old card, but i had to use oldblivion because it wouldnt even launch on my old intergrated card, and it happened on there aswell so it isnt my new card, i uninstalled and reinstalld after i got my new card, + as i said it happened before on the other computer we have


ill try that .ini delete thing, i've just tried changing the resolution, changed it to the one my computer is currently at and it still happens



my ini file says this for those 3:

bFull Screen=1

iSize W=1152

iSize H=864


which tells me its full screen and the same resolution as my moniter is currently at

and i didnt change any of it other then the resolution so its always been full screen


just deleted it and ran the game, still happen's, *sigh* any more idea's? lol if not im gunna have to live with it

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