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How often do I need to wipe and then reload Skyrim? Help!


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I love Skyrim and I've become addicted to new mods.

Unfortunately, I think I've hit my (my computer's) limit and my game seems to CTD (does that mean Crash to Desktop??) or just hang and freeze on the inventory menu a lot now.

Someone said that might be due to the Skyrim Ram limit of 3gb. (I have twice that RAM on my PC).


I'm about to finish the main quest, and I want to know if I should uninstall and reinstall before I move on to the Dragonborn DLC???


If I do, do i need to deactivate all the Mods in my Nexus Mod Manager first??

How do I save my current character "Thora de Explora" and her skills and perks?


I first noticed the CTD and hang happening more frequently after I installed the mods "Art of Magicka" and "Princess of the Woods". Both are clothing and armor mods.

And then the new SKSE and SKY UI with the 8 "favorite outfit" slots.


but I have over 80 mods loaded now. So... it might be a good time to re-evaluate.


Can anyone offer advice on how I should proceed before I venture out on my own and make a mess??


And has anyone put together a list of the best "must have" mods and then the ideal load order for them??


Thanks in advance for helping a fellow traveler!!




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