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The Ultimate Camouflage

Krypt 0011

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The goal of a sniper is to accomplish a given mission from long distances without ever being seen. For a hostile environment, like the capital wasteland, a practical sniper wouldn't blindly charge towards an enemy super mutant armed only with a bolt-action, or even a semi-automatic sniper rifle. Instead, a smart individual might try to conceal themselves to the best of their abilites and attack without alerting the enemy.


I'm a big fan of sniping, and I always have been. That's why I started working on a mod for people like me who want to take down their enemies before they, or their buddies, know what hit 'em. However my problem is that I have no skill when it comes to making meshes. I have made several cells for the quest-line, and I have gotten my hands on a new, special sniper rifle, but the one thing I have yet to do is find someone willing to make a ghillie suit.


For those of you who don't know, a ghillie suit is a special type of camouflage made from a person's surroundings in order to blend in better, and is generally worn by snipers. The goal of a ghillie suit is not so much to make the wearer look identical to a tree, but instead, to break up of the wearers outline to match the natural surroundings, and in doing so making it harder to see. I've provided some pictures of ghillie suits below.


Ghillie Suit 01

Ghillie Suit 02

Ghillie Suit 03


Now, my question for any talented modder who can create decent meshes is this: Would you please make a version of a ghillie suit for use in my quest?

I'm looking for a mesh of a ghillie suit and possibly a desert texture as well, if you feel up to it.

I've taken examples of ghillie suits from Call of Duty 4 to give you an idea of what I want in the finished product.


CoD4 1

CoD4 2


Since the ghillie suit itself is built upon a separate type of clothing, I would like the modder who chooses to help me to base the ghillie suit off of this, but be a non-replacer. It's a retex of the old vault security armor (the original will be fine as it's just a mesh). I'm not sure about how meshes are made but if it is possible I would suggest taking that security armor and adding the leafy-like structures seen in the CoD4 images above, although I would like the Fallout 3 ghillie suit to match the wasteland (more desert oriented) a little more. Once done, you can do what you like with the suit, it is solely your work after all. I only request that you send me a version before it has been placed anywhere on the map so I can use it as a unique reward for my quest line. You will be properly credited with the suit in the final mod.


In my quest, the player can happen across a group of people trying to 'preserve the ways of the sniper' by using extremely high-powered and accurate sniper rifles and utilizing camouflage (the ghillie suit). The player will be granted the opportunity to train with them in several different categories. For each category the player passes, he or she will get a unique item (ie. a high-powered sniper rifle, the ghillie suit, etc.). If the player manages to pass the camouflage test he/she is given the schematics for a ghillie suit. The components will be something along the lines of leaves from Oasis (they will have died and turned brown by the time they're on the ghillie suit), glue, and a retexed vault security armor. They player then must bring the schematics, the leaves, the glue, and the armor back to the quest-giver to make. The player can then pick up the ghillie suit 5 days later (as ghillie suits are extremely labor-intensive to produce). The NPC who makes the ghillie suit for the player will be named after (or similar to) the modder who makes this for me. (My quest and NPCs follow in Fallout's footsteps with regards to the satire. Carl Hathcock will be the leader of the group, etc.) There is a lot more to the quest so it should take me a little while, but if someone is willing to help me on this I'd appreciate it.


If anyone is willing to make a mesh, and possible a texture, for a ghillie suit, please either respond to this thread or send me a PM.

Thank you.


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ghillie suits have been requested many times, you should take a look at the other threads requesting them and see if anyone has taken up the request.


Who said I didn't look?

I've looked around and as far as I can tell no one is definitely creating a ghillie suit.

That's why I posted.

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