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Really need help on this!


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My Fallout 3 game freezes intermitantly and I cannot see what the problem is.


I have done the InumthreadedAI thing to the .ini file, I have created a merge patch using Fallout3Edit and I have used Boss to manage my load order and still get the issue!


Its killing my stream at the moment because I cant play for more than 10 minutes without a crash, somebody please help me!


PC specs:


CPU: i5 [email protected] (CPU Cooler: Akasa Venom Extreme)

GPU: Gigabyte 560Ti OC


RAM: 8Gb Corsair Vengance

PSU: Corsair HX 750w


My load order as follows (If its too small, hold left Ctrl and use mouse scroll to zoom): http://imgur.com/3jh0i9t



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If you use the mod manager deactavate mods 1 by 1 and launch the game until you find the mod thats causing you to crash. if you have fallout on steam go to library right click fallout 3 and hit properties in properties find verify integrety of game cache and try that.

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Hey thanks for the responses! Right, what I was not wanting to do was systematically go through all of my mods on e-by-one, however, if thats what id have to do then i was prepared to do so tonight.


Before going through my mods one-by-one, i decided to just check everything else once again for good measure AND the Fallout3.ini file, where i have the 2 lines:




I had a '4' instead of '2' on the 'INumHWThreads=' part.


After changing the value to a '2' I have not had a crash! (only been playing for 30 min, but from freezing every couple of minutes to this, ill assume it was resolved!)


The only reason i can think of that would make me put the value to a 4, is that i missunderstood what it was for and believed that you were to put the number corresponding to the amount of cores your PC has, hence why i put 4! haha


Thanks folks!


P.s I have the stutter remover, its essential in FO3 for me, micro stuttering is so annoying!

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